enquiries@adonhealth.co.uk +44 024 7798 1148

Access Assure Connect

Adon Health has partnered with The Access Group. We now offer complete installation and support services for the Access Assure suite of devices.

Access Assure devices support individuals to be safe and independent in their homes. Additionally, it provides additional support and peace of mind for care providers to deliver safe and efficient care.

For more information about the benefits and the solution, please watch this video

Devices and our Services

Adon Health will install and monitor an individual at their home, to ensure they are kept safe on a 24x7 basis. This achieved through two avenues, a man-powered “Patient Safety Control Room” which monitors around the clock for alerts and alarms from the Access Assure devices and the Access Assure devices which cleverly learns the normal day-to-day activities and patterns of behaviour specifically for the individual. The Access Assure provide a level of intelligence never achieved before in the home.

Should an alert occur the workflows are triggered to allow all interested parties allowing them to take immediate action including despatching carers to support the service user if required.

Select which Access Assure sensors (devices) you wish to book for installation below.

• Do you require 1st line monitoring in the “Patient Safety Control Room” and Emergency services, Next of Kin, CCG and GP notification service?

• Do you require domiciliary carer support service?

Contact us for a quotation ASAP.

You can also view the sensors and build a portfolio of what suits you by visiting our shop using the link below.

Visit our shop

Contact Us

Tel: 024 7798 1148
